Waterfest 18


I made it to the second day of Waterfest with a friend of mine because I had to work the first day. We drove down from Mass. (some people drove farther) just for one day to see the show. Friends of ours have been a few years back but I’ve never gone. I heard it was coming up and thought, why not. I, myself, have a VW but it doesn’t quite work anymore so I drove my Japanese car. It seems I wasn’t alone with all the Evo’s that I saw and the one of the cars that Dangerous Toys brought. (If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, check out “Dangerous Toys @ Waterfest” in my albums). It’s also funny because when I walked in a passerby asked me which tuning company I thought was better, APR or Unitronic, and my response was “Sorry, I drive a Japanese car.” Seeming dissapointed, he walked away. After that we made our way over to get our free program and Waterfest.net sticker, if you liked they’re page. Free stuff is always good, most of the time. We checked out APR, Unitronic, LiquiMoly, VagScene, Vossen to name a few of the booths there. I don’t really know that much about the tuning companies that were present, aside from the big names, because I never really got around to tuning my VW. I spent most of my time just trying to make it work. Haha. As always it’s fun just walking around and getting people to talk about their cars. It’s also interesting to see what people have come up with. I’ll definitely see if I can make it back next year. Check out the pics here.


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