Frank Maratta Auto and Race-A-Rama 2013


The Frank Maratta Auto Show and Race-A-Rama was at the Eastern States Exposition on March 2 & 3rd 2013. As anyone who has ever been to the Eastern Expo, it’s  pretty big place. It was only in one of the buildings on the grounds but it was a fairly decent size show at that. The show was sponsored by Town Fair Tire and they had a good size booth accordingly. I, once again, made it to the Sunday portion of the two day event because I had to work on Saturday. I spent a few hours there and met some pretty cool people. Coverage below:

Orange Harley.

It looks like a lot of work went into the details of this truck.
An RX-8 done up by Lincoln Technical Institute in a Batman airbrush fashion.
I got to meet and get a signed picture from the lovely Town Fair Tire model Phylicia! And she was also awesome enough to let me take a picture.
Mad Max RHD Ford Fairlane.
I like doing shots like this sometimes.
Two Mustangs and a Camaro. XD

THAT’S a pretty big turbo under there!
It’s Purple!
Open WIDE!
Well now, doesn’t that just look dangerous.
Those are some pretty clean whitewalls.
These are always cool.
Interior shot.
Old school tow truck for any old school breakdowns. And local too!

V00D00 Jes and Milltown Ink.

FINALLY got a picture of this thing. There’s was a lot of people around it. Kind of a neat idea.
Engine bay shot.

Now for some really SHINY stuff.

I’m not generally a fan of flames but this is pretty cool work done here.

Mercamino as it’s called.
Bagged Tacoma.

Some shiny bikes.

The raffle is for a good cause. First Prize is the bike, as well as some other awesome prizes. The drawing will be held Thursday, August 29th 2013. For more information check out Also be sure to check out the Trantolo & Trantolo girls.

Apparently this is how the Boy Scouts get down now.

Western Mass Council Venture Crew 35.

Some more rally fun.

Because Race Cars.

ERA replica AC Cobra cutaway.

One of the guys from Factory Five was awesome and gave me a tour of their setup , showed me around all of their cars and let me take pics of the cars. A few days later I also got a bunch of info in the mail about their cars. So, what they do is, Factory Five is one of the biggest replica makers around. The two cars they had at the show were the MK4 Roadster and ’33 Hot Rod. For the price and what you get and never mind trying to find an original, it’s pretty worth it. Not only that but you get to say you’ve built the entire car yourself.

MK4 Roadster.
MK4 Roadster Interior.
’33 Hot Rod.
The man with the paintbrush in his mouth is doing a bit of custom detailing/ pin-striping.

And a bit of best for last. Yenko/ SC Camaro.

Hope you enjoyed all the cars. Check out my Flickr Stream for a few more pics and hi res if you want. Thanks and shout outs to Town Fair model Phylicia, the Trantolo girls, Western Mass Council Venture Crew 35, Factory Five and V00D00 Jes.


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