Milltown 7 (2013)


Return to the Milltown 7 was held on August 2nd and 3rd at the Hamilton Rod and Gun Club in Sturbridge, Massachusetts. There was a lot of events going on, such as bands, a few seminars, the cars and of course the pin-up model contest on Saturday. Initially that was the reason I was going. A friend of mine wanted to be in the pin-up model contest but due to a change in rules from the previous year she couldn’t be in it due to a deadline she missed to register. We decided to go anyway. Since she wanted to get started as a pin-up model I traded a bit of photography for a ride there. Even though she didn’t get to be in the contest a lot of people were asking her if she was. And a few people even said she should have won. Haha. Apparently the show got a lot more attention than it did last year because we had to circle multiple times before my friend could get a spot to park. Cell service for me wasn’t any good either, so it made contact a little difficult. She eventually just dropped me off, I got wristbands and I was able to get her a spot thanks to some people leaving and the awesome people directing traffic.

This was only my second time directing a model for an extended period of time and I believe Alex’s first time modeling. I’ve taken shots of models at shows before. Almost at every show I go to. They’re just walking around shows, I ask them if I can take their picture, they just do there thing, pose, everyone takes pictures and then they’re on their way. Not much directing or anything. This time I had to come up with poses and try to direct her to get the right angles and try my best not to screw it up. I hadn’t gotten my new camera yet so thankfully it was a beautiful sunny day out. I was still using my Nikon L110 (point-and-shoot). As the day went on the both of us fed off each other for ideas. Two of her friends were there and they were in a few of the shots as well. Eventually we got comfortable with shooting and a few hours later we were both pretty tired. Not only was she posing but I was too. Haha. It seems to make it easier to direct that way.
Anyway, it was a great day meeting new people, seeing some awesome cars and shooting with Alex and her friends. On to the show!

While I was waiting for Alex to be able to get in I got a few shots of these bikes because it was close to the entrance.

All the following bikes were made by Barnstorm Cycles. It was cool talking to the dude about all the bikes. I still can’t say I know anymore now about them though. I feel like if I were to buy a motorcycle it would be an older Japanese one.

I really liked all the details on this one.

The artwork on this window was pretty cool.

That’s an awesome coolant overflow.

There were quite a lot of moon eyes stickers to be seen.

I thought this was a cool shot with the old Dodge truck and a short line of Pabst cans on the edge of the bed.

It seems I take quite a few of these reflection shots. I either like them a lot or I don’t because I keep taking them.

Some rolling shots.

Now for the pin-ups!

Shots of Alex and her friend: For more of Alex check out and like her page at:

A bit of an editing experiment.

Frenchie’s Hair Salon

Strange Beauty Studios

V00D00 Jes!!!

Thanks to everyone that I met and talked to, everyone that lent us the use of their cars to shoot in front of, to Alex and both of her friends, as well as everyone that let me get shots of them! Every show I go to I always learn something new and meet new people and it’s great! This was my first shoot with Alex and so far we’ve done 4 shoots together and each one is different and awesome in it’s own way. Thanks for reading!

Please check out and like Alex’s page:

For Hi-Res check out my Flickr!


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