Miss Alex Cherry Bombshell at Milltown


Say Hello everyone to the exclusive Distance Photography pin-up model Miss Alex Cherry Bombshell. She has a very unique and creative style. This was her first official shoot that we did together at the Milltown car show in Sturbridge, Ma back at the beginning of August.

Hmm… I wonder what they’ve got under that hood?

Home Wrecker.

Hello Officer.

Now who has the handcuffs?

How fast were you going?

Fixing that lipstick!

Knocking them dead in the hurse.

Picture Perfect!

Hope you enjoyed! It definitely was a fun and tiring day. Be sure to check out her Facebook, give it a like, and share it with all your friends! Thanks for reading!

Thanks to Alex for being great to work with and to her friend who was acting as the officer in some of the shots.

Milltown coverage to come soon!

Miss Alex Cherry Bombshell

Hi-Resolution on my Flickr.

Distance Photography Facebook


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