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Wekfest East


This was Part Two of my weekend adventure which brought me to Edison, NJ for Wekfest East at the New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center on August 26th 2012. It was about a 4 hour drive from PA to Edison. I got there and had to wait in a pretty substantial line but it was fast moving. Everyone was waiting to get inside! Decided to get some shots before I got into the show and after I left. Definitely an awesome show and as usual, awesome cars. Check it out!

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Fitting Jazz

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Tuner Evolution


This was Part One of my weekend adventure which brought me all the way from MA to York, PA this time. This show was on August 25th 2012 at Sovereign Bank Stadium. Fresh Meet Events decided they wanted to get together with Tuner Evolution and Wekfest (Part Two coming soon) and jointly promote each other. There was a premeet on Friday but I could not attend. When I got to PA my hotel was right across the street so the fun began right after I got there. After some issues with my camera (per the usual) I got to enjoying the show. The fun started even before I got into the show seeing all the awesome cars just parked around. I checked out all the cars, booths, acts from local artists and of course the models. At the end of the night some guy won a tv and there was a bikini contest which ended with the two finalists splitting the first prize. Check it out!

Tune by Tuna


For some reason I really haven’t seen much coverage on this show so I figured I would cover it. This show was on Sunday, August 12th 2012 at Smith and Wesson in Springfield, MA and is an annual event. I originally intended to go to Honda Day instead but an issue with my car prevented me from doing so and it’s closer than NJ. And since I had attended this show once when I was a kid, it seemed like a good nostalgic opportunity to see how my car tastes had changed. They had. I still love muscle cars, hot rods and all of those but for some reason I came across a few tuners cars and felt more at home with them for whatever reason. I mean, I have a muscle car and a tuner but you really can’t compare the two. The sounds, the smells, the way they drive. They aren’t the same. They are uniquely different. People can relentlessly argue back and forth that one is better than the other but they aren’t the same. Each of them were created for a specific purpose and under completely different circumstances. I was glad to have a seen a little of both there. Although, it was a bit weird to see the two types of cars next to each other because it’s not often they share the same space.

Check out the pictures here.

Waterfest 18


I made it to the second day of Waterfest with a friend of mine because I had to work the first day. We drove down from Mass. (some people drove farther) just for one day to see the show. Friends of ours have been a few years back but I’ve never gone. I heard it was coming up and thought, why not. I, myself, have a VW but it doesn’t quite work anymore so I drove my Japanese car. It seems I wasn’t alone with all the Evo’s that I saw and the one of the cars that Dangerous Toys brought. (If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, check out “Dangerous Toys @ Waterfest” in my albums). It’s also funny because when I walked in a passerby asked me which tuning company I thought was better, APR or Unitronic, and my response was “Sorry, I drive a Japanese car.” Seeming dissapointed, he walked away. After that we made our way over to get our free program and Waterfest.net sticker, if you liked they’re page. Free stuff is always good, most of the time. We checked out APR, Unitronic, LiquiMoly, VagScene, Vossen to name a few of the booths there. I don’t really know that much about the tuning companies that were present, aside from the big names, because I never really got around to tuning my VW. I spent most of my time just trying to make it work. Haha. As always it’s fun just walking around and getting people to talk about their cars. It’s also interesting to see what people have come up with. I’ll definitely see if I can make it back next year. Check out the pics here.

Fresh Meet


So Fresh Meet was an awesome event. It was held in a parking lot on the grounds of Kean University in Union, NJ on July 15th 2012. Basically people just hung out and checked out everyone’s cars that they brought. Of course there were some vendors, High Intake Performance, Absolute Pro-Formance, and Sticker Bomb NJ, to name a few. SNTRL set up their booth, as well as this booth that made awesome smoothies too. There were some local artists that played as everyone walked around to check out the cars.

Link to check out the pics at my Facebook page.

Honda Fest


A few weeks ago I attended Honda Fest, which to no surprise had many Hondas. It, surprisingly, had many Not Hondas as well. It took place on July 8th 2012 in Lawrence, Ma. at 211 Merrimack St. at the Senator Patricia McGovern Parking Garage. I was not in the show as I do not have a Honda and the parking was cheaper that way. But it was still fun anyway checking out all the awesome cars. Most of the Hondas where I live are awful so it was a bit refreshing to see quite the opposite.

Here’s a link to my coverage of Honda Fest on my Facebook page. Check it out and like my page. Thanks!

New Blog!


So, I’ve got a blog. Now what do I do with it? Post stuff of course. I do photography and film so that’s what I’ll post. Cars is what I’m interested in, and around most, so that will be the majority of the content here. Other random pictures and video of whatever I may find interesting will show up as well.

My goal for this summer is to go to as many car shows/ events and post said content here or on facebook.com/DistancePhotography. Be sure to check it out and like my page!

I started a photography page on Facebook just to see what would happen and then I figure the next step would be a blog/ website. So here it is. Hope you enjoy!

p.s. If you’re wondering why “Distance”? The name combines both when you take a photograph/ picture you are always at a “distance” from the subject and “Stance“, which is a common word in the automotive/ tuning world. (Note: car interest.)