Miss Alex Cherry Bombshell @ Heritage Park


Towards the end of September Alex and I decided to go for our second shoot at Heritage Park in East Longmeadow, Ma. We had done Milltown (which was our first shoot together) so this was going out spontaneously just after I got my new camera to see what we could do. It went pretty well and was a great day. Check it out!

Something I’ve realized throughout this journey that I call photography is that you meet new people all the time. It’s helped me grow as a person and get out of my so-called shell. Just to be able to walk up to someone I’ve never in my life met before and just say “Hi, what’s up.” Usually it’s car related but whatever. Everyone you meet has some sort of experience that you’ve never had before that they can share with you and help you grow as a person. That in itself is another part of what the “distance” in Distance Photography is about on a personal note.

The two people above were some pretty awesome people to talk to. They are the band Mary Christmas. That is in itself a joke because their names are Mary and Noelle, Noel being synonymous with christmas, which is pretty clever. They were just two people that were just hanging out in the park at the same time we were and that I decided to go say “hi” to randomly and ask if they wanted to be in a few shots.

We were all talking about experiences that played a major role in our lives. It’s funny how we end up where we are at any given point and the people we meet along the way that make us who we are. Everyone has an impact on us whether it be in a positive or negative way and they all leave their mark however big or small. You never know where things will take you. Thanks to Alex, Mary and Noelle!

Thanks for reading!

Distance Photography

Miss Alex Cherry Bombshell

Flickr Hi-Res


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