Miss Alex Cherry Bombshell @ Forest Park with Makeup by Samar


This is the fourth shoot that Alex and I have done since we started working together back in August of 2013. If you’ve realized, wait a minute, where’s the the third one? You’re not crazy, we haven’t uploaded it yet. Still working on it! Don’t worry, it’s going to be good, so keep a lookout!

I finally got the opportunity to work with Samar from Makeup by Samar. We had been planning a shoot for quite a while and going through a variety of different ideas and communicating via email. By this time I had gotten a new camera, as some of you might already know, and was hugely thankful to have been working with Alex up to this point. I had asked Alex if she wanted to do the shoot and around mid-October we made it happen!

Samar had asked me to get some shots of her applying the makeup and some closeups of Alex with the makeup on.

I figured not only would I get some closeups of Alex and Samar but I would also get some shots of the equipment/ supplies that Samar was using. Not that I could explain what any of it is though. For that you would have to ask Samar.

I like the way this shot came out with the closeup of all the different colors.

We found a cool bridge nearby to shoot on. Forest Park is full of cool stuff for photo shoots, especially in fall with such a variety of colors. There was actually a group of people doing a shoot for a wedding when we first came in.

I had brought this piece of foam board that looked like it was covered in aluminum foil to try to direct light and it worked pretty well. Actually, at times, a little too well. So much so that I’m pretty sure I blinded Alex a few times. Haha.

I was down below the bridge on the edge of the water for these shots and trying not fall in and swim with the ducks. Samar was holding the foam board for me and trying not to blind Alex. Good team we make. Haha.

I’ve heard mixed feelings about photographers and solar flares. Some like them, others don’t seem to care for them too much. I am one to like them. I think they’re neat and add a cool element to an image.

Alex and Samar at the end of the shoot.

That was definitely a great new adventure and a new experience for all of us. Alex said she was excited because she works at a salon and it was cool to see how someone else works. Alex did her own hair as Samar only does makeup. I did my best not to land myself in the pond and was sure to yell “Ducks!” all day, as many of them were wandering around throughout our time at Forest Park.

Huge thanks to Samar and of course Alex. If you want to know more about Makeup by Samar or have any questions regarding her makeup be sure to check out her website makeupbysamar.net and like her Facebook page!

Also, please like Miss Alex Cherry Bombshell’s Facebook if you haven’t already!

I look forward to working with both Samar and Alex again in the future.

Thanks for reading!




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